Katie’s Story Spaying & Gastric Bloating

Meet Katie, my youngest dog. She is just recovering from a spay and a gastropexy. She is 1 year old. Her case highlights two hot topics in the veterinary/pet care world right now: At what age should we spay or neuter? And should we tack down their stomach at the same time?

Katie's Background

Some background … Katie is 78 lbs. She is a mutt—her mom was a Lab X Shepherd and her dad was a St. Bernard X Mastiff. So, for me, that puts her into the ‘large breed’ category. That is important because studies about delaying a spay or neuter have been in larger breed dogs (Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs to name a few). We also discuss a prophylactic gastropexy in dogs with deeper chests and breeds known to have a higher risk of gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV = bloat and a twisted stomach).

What is a Gastropexy?

Let’s talk about the latter first. A gastropexy means tacking down the moveable part of the stomach to the right body wall so it can’t flip. GDV is a potentially life-threatening emergency and can happen in any breed of dog but most often occurs in bigger dogs. If a first-degree relative has had a GDV, then the risk is increased. At the time of spay or neuter, you can elect to have the stomach tacked down to prevent it from flipping, though it could still bloat. Generally, there are few to no adverse effects to the procedure, but as with any surgery, there is always a small risk.

The Debate on When to Spay or Neuter

On to a more contentious issue, when to spay or neuter? For years, the veterinary profession has advocated for spaying or neutering at 6 months old. This is old enough that it is not a pediatric procedure, yet young enough that almost all dogs have not become sexually mature. It is an age that advocates for pet population control, and for many dog owners, dealing with an intact male or female is not something they want or are especially skilled at.

Research on Early vs. Late Neutering

Studies have started filtering in that show statistical differences in pets neutered (the gender-neutral term for spaying and castration) at the recommended younger age versus waiting until they are older (studies differ, but let’s say under 1 and over 2). Many, but not all, of these studies have found that dogs neutered at 6 months may have an increased risk of obesity, cranial cruciate rupture, diabetes (males), hip dysplasia, osteosarcoma (and possibly a few other cancers), and urinary incontinence (females). Neutering at 6 months also carries a decreased risk of perineal hernia (males), benign prostatic diseases, male-on-male aggression, pyometra (females), and mammary cancer. So now the waters are muddied with respect to what to recommend.

Why I Chose to Spay Katie Early

I can tell you that for Katie, I had fully intended to let her have one heat cycle and then spay her. That may have put her around 18-20 months of age. Why did I do it sooner? Well, I wanted it done. I felt my life was busy enough without having to manage a dog in heat and other dogs around her when she was in heat. I like to walk off-leash, and she is with me often. I do feel that recommendations have to take the whole picture into account—and that absolutely includes lifestyle and feasibility.

Stay tuned for further commentary as the ‘debate’ continues, and please bring all your questions to your veterinarian!

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin