Cat Dental Care

Regular dental care is crucial for maintaining the overall health of our feline friends.

Dental disease or periodontal disease is the most widespread disease associated with 80% of dogs and 70% of cats. It can lead to irritated gums, painful dental infections, tooth loss and can cause bacteria to travel through the bloodstream and compromise vital organs. Fortunately, with a proper dental routine designed for our pets periodontal disease, in most cases is preventable.

Here are 5 easy signs to look for in your pet:

  • Bad Breath
  • Hard yellow or brown build-up on teeth
  • Red and bleeding gums
  • Difficulty eating or chewing
  • Drooling

If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, call today and book a dental exam with one of our technicians.

What is involved in a dental cleaning procedure?

Your cat will spend the day at the clinic for the procedure since a dental cleaning is performed under anesthetic. Once your pet is anesthetized, we will check all sides of each tooth and clean all surfaces and below the gumline. If needed, the diseased teeth will be removed by the veterinarian. Your pet will have IV fluids during the procedure and recovery. They will receive pain medications during the procedure and recovery. After the cleaning is complete, they will recover from the anesthetic under the supervision of our trained technicians. At the end of the day, they are discharged to go home to spend the night cuddling with you.

What are signs of dental problems in cats?

Cats are masters at hiding pain, but there are some subtle signs that you may notice if she is having some dental issues. The main one that most owners notice is bad breath. Other signs you may see is a decrease in appetite or trouble eating (dropping food or eating on one side of the mouth), pawing at the mouth or face, some pets will even have gums that bleed. With more advanced dental disease, you may see swelling around the face and possibly some discharge from the mouth.

Are some breeds more susceptible than others?

Brachycephalic (“squished face”) breeds tend to be more prone to dental disease than non-brachycephalic, as there is less space for the teeth to grow properly.

What is feline tooth resorption?

This is a common and very painful “cavity.” These can be seen at the gum line and extend below the gum line also. Cats are very good at hiding the pain that these cause and they often will progress to a point where the tooth may break or fall out without surgical treatment.

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