Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

As our dogs enter their “golden years,” it is important to realize that, like us humans, their needs and requirements will change. Our pets can suffer from many of the same “old age” ailments we do: arthritis, dental disease, obesity, weight loss/muscle wasting. We have many options available to help ease our pets into their golden years and help them shine!

When does a dog become a senior?

This will vary depending on the size of your dog. The larger your dog, the sooner those golden years will approach. Smaller breeds tend to not reach those golden years until a bit later.

What are common senior dog health issues?

Our senior pets can suffer from many of the same “old age” ailments as we do. Pets as young as two years of age can suffer from arthritis and dental disease! Senior pets are more prone to these, as well as obesity, kidney disease, weight loss/muscle wasting, failing eyesight and hearing. Senior pets could also suffer from cognitive dysfunction – similar to Alzheimer’s disease, or senile dementia in people. There are many options available to help your dog’s golden years shine. Contact the clinic for more information.

How should I care for my senior dog?

Our veterinarians recommend regular examinations for our senior friends every 6 months – sooner if there are problems detected. With some senior pets, you may not notice any change in their attitude, lifestyles or exercise regime, while others tend to “slow down,” as they age. It is generally recommended that senior pets are allowed to set the pace and frequency for walks and exercise. Also, senior pets require special dietary consideration. If you have a senior pet, contact the clinic for his bi-yearly examination and a nutritional consultation.

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